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improve your PB with Pilates!

Andy Murray Facebook timeline post image

Murray’s Facebook photo celebrating his Wimbledon win!

How amazing has the last 12 months been for GB sports? We had Wiggo and now Froome in the Tour de France, some cracking Olympic feats and not to mention my world record breaking Big Blue Kick (ok me and 800+ others doing a synchronised Taekwondo routine in aid of Barnardos). Did you know Andy Murray includes it in his training programme? Should you?

Cyclists can forget saddle sores and increase their stamina and power, by building a stronger powerhouse of core muscles. They stop you wobbling left to right over your saddle and help you channel all that wasted effort onto the road.

Golfers can smoooooooth out their swing with a solid, yet rotationally flexible core as well as hit with greater accuracy through improved shoulder stability.

And what about runners? Tight hamstrings, IT bands and quads? Yep, Pilates builds your core for power transmission to the road and gives you easy to remember warm up and cool down stretches to protect your muscles and ease away any tightness.

And not forgetting accelerating your serve and strengthening your backhand return. It works for Andy – it can work for you too!

So for the mega fit – does your fitness activity include training on body control and awareness? If not, add Pilates – in 6 or so sessions, you can learn how to tune into your core and achieve more from your favourite sports, gym or fitness routine.

And for those of you who enjoy perhaps a few too many hours of watching sports on TV, Pilates is a gentle way to begin your new fitness programme. You’ll build flexibility and strength, as well as growing your body awareness, co-ordination and your confidence.

Ready to raise your bar? Book now for an assessment or arrange a technique Where are you looking for better results? Hit them into court below in the comments and I’ll do my best to cheer you on!class and shave a few seconds off your record, whilst increasing your lifespan!

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Pilates – not all it seems…

Joseph Pilates exercising with his students

Joseph Pilates exercising with his students

Pilates isn’t just for pop stars and dancers: in fact, the first students were soldiers and security guards. The common factor is that they all want to feel confident in themselves and proud of their bodies.

Yes Pilates does improve your posture, flexibility and core strength, but here’s 3 body issues that you might not expect Pilates to deliver quick fixes to.

So invest a little time each day and you too can step out with your head held a bit higher.

1)   the chin jut – you know it, a long day staring at your screen…..gradually your chin is getting nearer and nearer to the screen. Tension grips your head, neck and shoulders. Here’s a “do it at your desk” fix: sit up tall, look to your left and then roll your head down to look at your toes and around until you’re looking to your right. Look straight ahead and you’re back to the beginning. Repeat a few times to the left and the reverse to the right.

UPDATE April 2014: Focus on keeping your shoulders still to avoid the stretch slipping to your waist.

2)   the bingo wings – the summer is coming (I hope!) and your arms want to be out of long sleeves. Stop the wobble fast: arms out to the side, like you’re a giant T. Draw 6 tiny little circles with the finger tips, with the movement coming from the shoulder and keeping the arms straight. Repeat in the other direction and add in more sets (clockwise and anticlockwise – no skipping!) as your arms get strong. Oh yeah, it’s meant to burn!

UPDATE April 2014: you should be getting better at this now, add a water bottle in each hand.

3)   the nipped in waist – apple, pear or bean pole body shape, we all want that nipped in waist (Guys, you know it better as swimmer’s lines down your sides). Fold your arms in front of you like a Cossack dancer and focus on your top wrist (wearing a watch, hair band or cuff helps here). Breath out to rotate through your waist like you’re a pepper grinder to twist the top half of your body to the side and breath in to come back to facing forward. Repeat in the other direction, trying to keep your wrists, nose and breastbone (or cleavage, if you’ve got one) in one vertical line. Repeat the same number of times each side or risk ending up wonky!

UPDATE April 2014: you want it harder? Ok. Tie a know in a belt, ribbon or dynoband. Hold it taut between your hands. Raise them up to shoulder height in a wider V shape. Keep the knot central to the move as you twist.

These quick and easy exercises are adaptations of matwork and standing Pilates exercises: if you want a body overhaul, book in for an assessment now or class and in the meanwhile, get going with these.

What are you looking to fix? Tell me in the comments and I’ll see what I can suggest!

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when I grow up I’m gonna be a…….

Hairdresser? Lorry Driver? Occupational Therapist? Vulcanologist? At some stage, I went through a phase of all of these. I was an engineer for a while, before my wonderful manager recognised my skills in setting a direction, bringing people on board with my ideas and getting stuff done. He pushed me into a new career path, asking me some tough questions, pushing a few buttons and finding me an unusual next step. From then on, my passion has been helping others achieve their goals.

As time’s gone by, this has changed from in-house HR and training roles, serving the wishes of bosses, to working independently with individuals, leaders and teams, who are looking at how they grow, shape and make the future brighter.

One of my favourite coaching topics is the “I wanna be a…….ermmm I’m no longer really sure anymore.” dilemma. The subjects we choose at school and university often shape up into a certain career path and for some that really works out well. If you’re like me (and many others), it’s not until later that with a bit of life under your belt, you realise this isn’t what you signed up for or it’s not making use of your true talents.

So now I’m all grown up and can proudly say I’m a coach, trainer and Pilates Instructor – yep I can help you stretch your body, brain and life into that new shape you’re seeking. Drop me a line to start your next big adventure.

Share in the comments below; what did you want to be and how’d it work out?

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to b or not to b……

Hmm well that really is the question. If you’re reading this, like me you probably want to change things up, add a little spice, find some new spark to get you re-invigorated and are ready for your next big thing. You’re no longer not to b – now you’re got to b.

For about 3 or 4 years, I harboured a dirty little secret – I loved what I did as a job, yet I kinda hankered to do it my way. But the fear of going it alone, paying my bills, what others might think and so on all kept me running the corporate treadmill.

I began a steady exit out of the corporate front door and into working for myself. I enrolled on various Pilates courses and now work with clients seeking to change their bodies. I wrap up my motivational, empathetic coaching style, a knack for problem solving and get them active. Within weeks, they are smiling and moving more freely with less pain.

These same skills also enable me to work as a career and life coach. Jumping ships, breaking the glass ceilings or returning after a break, I’ve helped clients build business cases, confidence and more to gain their desired results. Experience in the UK and overseas in a wide variety of business fields gives me a wealth to draw from and help interpret how best to support you.

So I’ve made the move out of the corporate world – yes I still have bills to pay, but I absolutely love working with people to achieve their dreams and passions in my own unique way.

Are you ready to b? If so, get in touch and let me add some stretch to your life – I’m here to help.

What’s your dirty little secret? What do you hanker to do? And what stops you taking action? Let me know in the comments below.

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